About Blue
At the age of six I wanted to learn to cook. At seven I wanted to be a pony. At twelve I threw my first dinner party. My ambition has been growing steadily ever since.
This site consists of recipes for the home cook, those that occasionally dabble with the exotic or gourmet recipe, or those that are simply looking for a quick easy recipe to throw together. Family recipes that have been passed down will be noted as such. Please be patient with the recipe collection as it grows, this is still a fairly new site.
And with a site there must be a dedication: to my own sweet Mama (Sue), who blesses us all by also being a frequent contributor, and to my Mema. These are the wonderful women that I spent countless hours with in the kitchen, while they graced me with their knowledge and loving skill.
I also can’t overlook another important person in my life that played a factor in my culinary education – my brother Grue, who luckily is also a site contributor. Grue used to coerce me to cook for him at the drop of a hat when I was a kid. I don’t remember ever really minding cooking for him, and I still don’t.